How to Bypass a CDN When Monitoring Site Uptime


So you have some websites sitting behind a CDN, and you want to use a service like UptimeRobot or Uptime Kuma to track and alert you if something goes wrong. In most cases, these services are pretty straight forward and easy to set up. However, your content delivery network could throw a small...

How to Cancel the UNRAID Appdata Backup While its in Progress

16th Sep 2022


If you are running Plex or any other media player on your UNRAID server, you likely have a pretty big meta data folder that takes UNRAID a long time to back up. This is fine and well when you have the space and time for Appdata backups, but every once and again you may need to quickly stop the pro...

Create Local Domain Names With UNRAID and Pi-hole


Note: This is a simple guide for Docker containers that use port 80 as an internal Web UI port. If you are looking to create custom domain names for non-standard ports (like 9696), check out my advance guide Local Domain Names for UNRAID Docker Containers with Port Numbers.


How to Install Prism.js in Grav CMS


How to Fix phpMyAdmin When it Freezes


phpMyAdmin is a great tool, when it works correctly. Unfortunately, sometimes it decides to freeze up when you don't have time to fix the underlying problem.

If you are in a hurry and need to re-establish access to phpMyAdmin, a quick purge and install will get you moving again. You can add...