Make Nextcloud Scan Files That Are Added Manually to Your Server


By default, Nextcloud will only index and catalogue files added through their system (web, app, etc.). This becomes a pain when you need to do things like bulk transfers or syncing folders using other tools.

While it doesn't work out of the box, you can make a minor change to the config file tha...

How to Add Google Tag Manager to Grav CMS


How to Change Max File Size Upload Limit for WordPress


This is super easy, despite how difficult it seems to find a straight answer online.

All you need to do is change three parameters in your php.ini file. For Apache, the location of this file is /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini. It may be slightly different for Nginx, but the process is the same....

How to Fix OnePlus Buds Z Music From Pausing


I have been using my OnePlus Buds Z headphones for a few months now, and I frequently run into an issue where the music or show I am watching will pause randomly. If you are experiencing this issue, keep reading for a simple fix.

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How to Fix Firefox's "Connection Not Secure" Issue on Your Website


Disclaimer: This i...